MYSTERY WIRE — Anyone who wants to be president has to campaign in New Hampshire, and that means you’re likely going to answer questions from that UFO reporter.
His name is Daymond Steer. He writes for the Conway Daily Sun, but has received national media coverage for the last two presidential campaigns. His first national splash came in 2016 when he asked Hillary Clinton a UFO question.
Since then, it’s become an end-of-the-interview surprise to see how the candidates think on their feet.
Steer thinks it’s an interesting issue given the UFO history of his state.
“We are a UFO state,” he says. “We’ve got Betty and Barney Hill. We’ve got the Exeter UFO festival. We have the first, I believe, UFO photograph — over Mt. Washington in the 1800s. So I think we’ve got a nice UFO history in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire is also the home state of Navy pilot Dave Fravor, the aviator who chased the infamous “Tic Tac” UFO.
So how do the candidates respond when asked about UFOs?