
UFO Mega Con: Topics go far beyond flying saucers

MYSTERY WIRE If you visit a modern UFO convention, chances are you will hear about much more than strange objects flying in our skies.

The UFO Mega Con, one of the world’s largets, meets each year in Laughlin, Nevada. The 2020 event included writers, investigators and vendors interested in wide-ranging mysteries, including UFOs of course, but also suppressed technology, archaeological discoveries and more. One speaker, writer and publisher Brad Olsen, recently took an arduous journey by sailboat to Antarctrica to check out reports of strange discoveries being made as the polar ice caps melt.

“These are subjects that we’re not being told about,” Olsen says. “So when I went down to Antarctica, it was specifically to try to find if there was veracity in some of these claims that there was a craft under the ice, that there were pyramids sticking through, that antediluvian civilizations, or giants, or megafauna being pulled out from under the ice.”

One speaker at the event, a PhD engineer, looks at whether the US has developed antigravity technology, similar to what was seen in the famous “Tic Tac” UFO video.

We compiled some of the most intriguing interviews from UFO Mega Con and they’re an exclusive feature on mysterywire.com.