
Clark County measles outbreak may be over soon

VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) — The Vancouver-area measles outbreak may be drawing to a close.

The Oregonian/OregonLive reports Monday will be 42 days since the last case was diagnosed, which is the bar public health officials use to reasonably say a measles outbreak is over.

A single measles case can have a 21-day ripple effect. So health officials consider two of those cycles without a new case to mean that no one else who is vulnerable to infection has been infected.

Between Clark and Multnomah counties, 77 people have been diagnosed with measles since Jan. 1. Nearly all were completely unvaccinated.

It is part of a record-setting year for measles cases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 695 cases had been reported in 22 states this year as of Wednesday afternoon.

The resurgence has been largely attributed to misinformation that is turning parents against vaccines.