
Students teach students about climate change, action

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — When it comes to a changing world climate very few are paying as close attention as the generation who will likely have to live in it.

Many of the 7th- and 8th-graders at the Cottonwood School of Civics and Science on the South Waterfront will likely be alive in the year 2100, so they are kids who will live with consequences of what is or is not done today.

“The climate crisis will most likely be affecting us and we all think our leaders have failed us and that we’ve kind of chosen profit over the health of our world,” said Lincoln High School senior Pontea Sabi.

Students from Lincoln High School lead a climate strike. Sept. 17, 2019. (KOIN)

To help raise awareness about climate change, these Lincoln High School seniors are talking with Cottonwood 7th and 8th graders about this Friday’s climate strike in Portland — and why even middle schoolers should be aware of the potential risks of a changing climate.

As the high schoolers will tell you: Creating change begins with civic engagement of young people.

“We don’t have time to convince every single person to make a little, little change,” Lincoln High School senior Sriya Chinnam said. “We need to be sparking change from the corporations that have done the most because we have done the least.”

Students from Lincoln High School lead a climate strike. Sept. 17, 2019. (KOIN)

High schoolers have met with Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler. They want free public transit for young people. They want climate considerations included in all city actions.

Hundreds of students are expected at Portland City Hall for Friday’s climate strike and the voices of these students in the classroom will be among those demanding big action from current leaders.