
Inslee talks Washington’s ‘Safe Start’ plan

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee gestures during a press conference on coronavirus in the state, March 11, 2020 (KOIN)

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Continuing his nearly daily press briefings, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee spoke about his ‘Safe Start Washington’ plan on Tuesday.

He spoke about the reopening of state parks but cautioned that social distancing is still in place.

“We are making progress,” he said. But he stated that testing still needed to be increased in the state.

“We have much work to do to increase our testing capability,” he said. “We still do not have enough testing supplies, we hope we will have help from the federal government.”

He also said he is exploring the option for increasing antibody testing in the state.

Inslee unveils Washington’s ‘Safe Start’ reopening plan

On Monday, Inslee unveiled a new “Safe Start Washington” plan. Under the plan, smaller counties can apply for a variance from the order which would allow them to open even more businesses than allowed statewide. The counties must have a population of less than 75,000 that have not identified a resident with COVID-19 for the past three weeks.

Last week, Inslee extended his Stay Home, Stay Safe order through May 31.