
Oops! Radio reporter calls wrong Robert Shapiro on air

LONDON (AP) — Will the real Robert Shapiro please take the microphone?

BBC radio presenter Evan Davis was left in an embarrassing situation Thursday while introducing a segment on a proposal to allow cameras to record sentencing remarks in U.K. courts.

During a live telephone interview on “PM,” an evening public affairs program, Davisthought producers had called Robert Shapiro, a Los Angeles-based attorney who represented ex-football star O.J. Simpson in one of the most famous televised trials in U.S. history.

Instead, Davis found himself speaking to another American with the same name but made his mark by advising Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama on economic policy.

A round of giggles could be heard in the background as the man was wrongly introduced as the lawyer who in 1995 was part of the team that successfully defended Simpson during his murder trial.

Davis said: “Robert Shapiro, I am fascinated in what you think about these rather tentative steps that have been taken here to show court on television and whether we are moving on the right track.”

An amused Shapiro replied: “First of all, it’s an honor to be on with Lord (Jonathan) Sumption. Second, let me say that I am Robert Shapiro, an adviser to Democratic presidents, not the lawyer. You called the wrong Robert Shapiro.” Sumption is a former senior judge.

Davis said: “Oh my goodness, what a mistake we made. You are obviously in our Rolodex. I am surprised we didn’t pick that up in the pre-conversation.”

“I am surprised too,” Shapiro said.

Despite the blunder, Shapiro knew something about the topic, and was able to provide his views on the new draft laws.