
New DMV service allows emergency contacts in case of crash

Scene of a single vehicle crash on Ten Eyck Rd. east of SE Bull Run Rd. on April 28, 2021 (Clackamas County Sheriff's Office)

SALEM, Ore. (KOIN) — A new service for Oregonians can help police contact your family faster if you are in a crash or other situation where you can’t communicate with emergency responders.

Under House Bill 3125, you can register up to two people, age 18 and older, as emergency contacts for situations where you can’t communicate starting Jan. 3. Only Oregon law enforcement personnel will be able to access your emergency contact information, according to the Oregon Department of Transportation.

Law enforcement officials are able to look up the information through their patrol cars, so they can then contact loved ones quickly.

“With today’s speed of online information, especially with mobile phone video and pictures through social media, there is a risk your friends and family could learn you’re in an emergency before law enforcement can contact your family,” said ODOT. “That’s a traumatic way to get such critical information – and possibly misinformation.”

The agency added, “That’s one reason many states, including Oregon, are setting up emergency contact registries through their DMVs.”

Your emergency contacts can be anyone you choose, said ODOT, but the only exception is if you are under age 18 – then you must include a parent or legal guardian as one of your contacts. A parent or legal guardian can also register as an emergency contact for their children under 18 years old.

To register, click here and sign into “Access My DMV Profile.” People will need to have an Oregon driver license, permit or identification card to register with the service.