
Down to 4.4%: Oregon’s unemployment decreases after stable period

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Following rapid job growth in the health and social assistance industries, Oregon’s unemployment rate dropped over the past month.

A new report by the Oregon Employment Department released Wednesday found that Oregon’s unemployment fell to 4.4%, down from February’s 4.7%.

The report highlighted certain areas, such as health care, where job rates increased significantly. Across the health care and social assistance industry, Oregon added over 1,600 jobs and in the professional and business services industry over 1,200 jobs were gained.

Not all industries were booming however, 900 jobs were lost in the retail trade industry and 500 were lost in the transportation, warehousing, and utilities industries.

Oregon’s unemployment rate is down to 4.4% for March 2023 (Oregon Employment Department)

After a spike in unemployment, up to just under 14% in 2020, some industries have now gained more jobs than pre-pandemic levels. The social assistance industry added 5,400 jobs in the last year and now sits 2,500 jobs over its pre-pandemic high.

The losses in the retail trade industry came after a pretty stable period, with most retail components losing 100 to 600 jobs over the last years, except for food and beverage retailers which added 900 new jobs.