
OED waiver available to Oregonians paying back unemployment benefits

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – If you were one of the more than 4,000 Oregonians who were told you have to pay back unemployment benefits, you may be eligible to apply for a waiver so you don’t have to pay that money back. 
KOIN 6 spoke with several people who received unemployment benefits who were told later they owed back hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

That’s what happened to Greg Marston who received unemployment benefits and nearly a year later says he got a letter in the mail saying he was overpaid benefits. 

Initially, the amount he owed back was about $1,200 but in October 2021 he says it was reduced to $300. 

So, he paid the Oregon Employment Department the $300 only to find out now his overpayment was waived, meaning they owe him the $300 back.

He says it’s been extremely frustrating and worries for others who were told they owe even more money. 

“The $300 that they told me last fall, that wasn’t bad, but for me, for somebody else that could be, what are we going to do for groceries? You know and that’s what really angers me cause there’s people that don’t have options that maybe the majority of us do,” Marston said.

The Employment Department says it’s sent out notices to everyone who received an overpayment. 

If that’s you, you have to go online and apply for an overpayment waiver. If you apply and meet certain qualifications, you may not have to pay any money back.