PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Despite being home to one of the consistently highest-ranked golf resorts in the world, Brandon Dunes, and at least one other highly-regarded golf destination, Bend/Sun River, it seems that if teeing it up through your retirement years is what you want to do, Oregon might not be the place to do it.
According to new data analysis by the folks at Gambling.com, Oregon ranks as the ninth-worst state in the country for golfers to retire. Their research team crunched five golf-related data points and created an index of the best and worst states for those who want to keep playing well into their golden years.
Not surprisingly to anyone who plays a lot of golf in Oregon, one of the categories, where the state ranked the lowest compared to other, more traditional golf destinations, was the average number of sunny days per year. Oregon’s total of 122 golf courses spread across more than 4.2 million residents ranks low in the number of golf courses per 100,000 residents category.
The state did rank high for affordable greens fees, but on the flip side, ranked quite low when it comes to median home value.
Here is the list of the 10 worst states for golfers to retire, according to the analysis:
- New York
- California
- Maryland
- Washington
- Alaska
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- Massachusetts
- Oregon
- Connecticut
One of the eight states that ranked worse than Oregon, is Washington, which finished as the fourth-worst state for golfers to retire. While also getting high marks for greens fees value, fewer golf courses per capita, and less sunny days drove Washington’s overall score very low.
If you are looking for the best places to retire and play a lot of golf, Nebraska took the top spot with a very high golf course per capita rank, great value for greens fees, a lot of sunny days and a much lower median home value than both Oregon and Washington.
Here are the best states for golfers to retire, according to the researchers:
- Nebraska
- West Virginia
- Arkansas
- Kansas
- Iowa
Kentucky - South Carolina
- Indiana
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
In addition to courses per capita, greens fees, weather, and home values, researchers also ranked each state on the cost of a post-round beer (using the average cost of a Bud Light). Oregon ranked 23rd on the Bud Light value score, with an average beverage running $4.27. Washington is one of the highest in the country at $4.66. The cheapest is Montana, at $3.44.