
Portland Diamond Project pulls bid to buy PPS site

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The Portland Diamond Project announced Wednesday that it’s formally retracted its offer to buy a Portland Public Schools property as a possible MLB stadium site.

The group was looking at purchasing the Robert W. Blanchard Education Service Center, which currently houses the school district’s leadership and administration offices. However, PDP retracted its off because they said they support Albina Vision Trust’s concept to fully redevelop the Rose Quarter as a “vibrantly diverse community.”

“Although we were initially drawn to this property for its close-in location, access to transportation and its potential to be transformative to the east bank of the Willamette, it became apparent to us that the Albina Vision Trust’s board of directors has a long-range plan for the building and the immediate area that will serve the overall community in a very meaningful way,” PDP founder and CEO Craig Cheek said. “Albina Vision’s focus on diversity and social equity is aligned with our mission, and we are putting our full support behind it.”

According to the press release, Albina Vision “seeks to honor the neighborhood’s past by transforming what exists today into a socially and economically inclusive community of residents, business, artists, makers and visitors.”

In April, the Portland Diamond Project had put offers on the PPS Blanchard building and ESCO’s Northwest Portland headquarters — which was later sold to a group of private real estate investors. 

PDP is expected to make an announcement regarding ballpark options in the next several weeks.