
Portland Day 11: Marchers on I-84, crowd at Justice Center

Hundreds of protesters have gathered in Chapman Square outside the Justice Center in downtown Portland. June 8, 2020 (KOIN)

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Protests against police brutality in the name of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many others marched on for the 11th consecutive day in Portland.

This night included protesters marching along I-84 and disrupting traffic and a second group near the Justice Center in downtown Portland.

Here is a timeline of events from Monday June 8, 2020:

2:39 a.m., June 9, 2020

Portland police said the demonstrators left the area around the Justice Center by around 1 a.m. During the night, 2 men were seen near SW 5th and Salmon carrying AR-15 style rifles. Adan Flores, 25, was cited for possessing a loaded firearm in a public place and the other man was contacted, authorities said. This investigation continues.

Around 5:30 p.m., Samuel Tate Berry, 24, was arrested after throwing projectiles at officers, police said. He’s charged with disorderly conduct and criminal mischief.

11 p.m.

10 p.m.

Protesters outside the Justice Center could be heard chanting in the rain, calling on police to quit their jobs. In turn, police could be heard over the loudspeaker telling the crowd not to tamper with the fence.

On Portland’s eastside, police reported that protesters had returned to Revolution Hall around 10:45 p.m.

9 p.m.

A second group of demonstrators has gathered in downtown Portland in Chapman Square. Shortly after 9 p.m., Portland police issued their first warning about not tampering with the fence that lines the Justice Center.

“We are not here to police a fence. We are here to protect the people who work in the Justice Ctr [sic] and the adults-in-custody who are living there,” said police on Twitter.

Meanwhile, on the east side of the river, marchers headed back to Revolution Hall from the Alberta District, taking 15th Ave.

8 p.m.

Protesters march through Northeast Portland, nearing their final destination of NE 15th and Alberta.

7 p.m.

Demonstrators marched on I-84—while they headed east, demonstrators were on both sides of the highway. They then took Exit 1 to get off at NE 33rd Street. The highway was cleared just before 8 p.m.

In a statement on Twitter, Portland police said they had no prior knowledge that Monday’s demonstration was going to march on the highway. People used cars to block the highway as protesters marched onto the on-ramp and interstate.

6 p.m.

Starting at 6 p.m. Monday, demonstrators gathered outside Revolution Hall for the daily march organized by Rose City Justice. Today, they will march to the Alberta Arts District.

“Alberta Arts district is historically black neighborhood and its been gentrified heavily a lot of disinvestment from the city back in the 80’s,” said Darren Golden, an organizer of Rose City Justice. “We want to go back to our space. That was our space; we still like to consider it our space, so we are going to remind everyone whose space it is.”

After, protesters will double back and return to Revolution Hall.

For the second day, Portland Fire and Rescue has partnered with organizers to provide first aid as needed for the demonstrators. Portable bathrooms have also been provided.

In a new prelude to the nightly march, Bike Portland called upon cyclists to also assemble at Revolution Hall for a Bike Swarm for Rose City Justice.

Rose City Justice organizers said it’s important for them to bring the protest to different parts of the community. They plan on marching to North Portland and East Portland in the future.

“It’s important for us to take these protests all around town, it allows us to get into different neighborhoods that have been affected by different changes,” said Golden. “And a lot of those changes are raced-based or political, and Black people were not at the table for these decisions, so it’s important for us to show up in numbers.”

There was also a different solidarity ride, “We Pedal for Justice” that started at Irving Park at 5 p.m.

KOIN 6 News will continue to update this story throughout the night.