
Sex offender re-arrested hours after prison release

HILLSBORO, Ore. (KOIN) — A predatory sex offender released from prison Monday was re-arrested after failing to check in to a transitional living community, police said.

Dustin Westling has more than 20 convictions on his record. He was released from prison Monday after serving time for sex-related crimes in which he met his victims through social media.

“He’s a predatory sex offender,” Michael Mollahan with Washington County Community Corrections said. “We for sure were tracking every move he was making, as soon as he left… we knew exactly where he was.”

Westling reportedly started the check-in process at a transitional living facility but took off before finishing.

He was re-arrested a short time later, police confirmed to KOIN 6 News. A GPS ankle monitor located him in downtown Portland.

“We didn’t always put GPS monitors on everyone who came out in the past,” Mollahan explained. “Now we do it all the time. That’s a huge difference in what we’re doing these days.”

Westling was taken back in to custody Monday evening, but was not charged with another crime.

In 2013, he failed to report as a sex offender and was convicted of sex abuse, rape and more after being released from prison.

His victims include teenage girls ages 13, 15 and 16. He reportedly met them through social media and on public transportation.

Westling is not allowed to have contact with anyone under the age of 18 without prior permission from his probation officer. He is also not allowed anywhere minors may congregate like schools, playgrounds or libraries.

Police initially released Westling’s information in the interest of public safety.