
Springwater Corridor cleanup could take weeks

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The Springwater Corridor sweep is due to start in just 2 days but with 14 miles of trail to cover, the mayor’s office says it could take weeks to finish.

The sweep will start Thursday around 8 a.m. with outreach workers meeting with campers first. Private security, police and park rangers will also be on hand, according to policy director of livability, Chad Stover.

“It could take several weeks because we want to do this right. We want to do it with a soft touch. We want to do this thoughtfully,” Stover said. “We’re not interested in a speed record here. We’re interested in developing those good relationships and doing this in as humane way as possible.”

Stover said they’ve already been in contact and moved several dozen campers from the corridor into shelters and other transitional housing within the past month.

Part of the problem with the sweep is the question of where all the homeless campers are going to go. The mayor’s office admits there just aren’t enough shelter beds for the approximately 300 people currently camping in the Springwater Corridor.

“They’re going to have to go in places that are more low-impact camping,” Stover said.  “If we can get camps down to 6 people or fewer, that seems to be more of a low impact situation.”

Some cyclists who travel down the corridor every week have their doubts that this will work.

“They tried earlier this month and that didn’t work,so unless these people have someplace to go, it’s going to be tough to get them out,” cyclist Mady Rasheed told KOIN 6.