
The things they find when Oswego Lake gets lowered

LAKE OSWEGO, Ore. (KOIN) — In the middle of Lake Oswego is Oswego Lake, a 415-acre body of water that provides recreaton, stellar views — and sometimes maintenance.

Over the years, the city has been trying to find the best schedule to lower the lake, said Jeff Ward with the Lake Oswego Corporation. “We usually keep it to about 98.6 to 98.8 feet above sea level for standard operating level. It’s about 10 feet below, at about 88.5 feet.”

Ward said they’ll keep everything closed off for about 2 more weeks. “Depending on how much everything rains, (the lake) will come up,” he told KOIN 6 News. “If it rains like last December, it’ll probably come up to about 4 to 5 feet by January.”

But what floats on top doesn’t always stay afloat.

The Lake Oswego Corporation said more than 3000 homes have access to the lake, and they lower the lake for maintenance reasons, including giving residents time for dock repair.

But every once in a while a few things pop up near the bottom.

“When it was down 25 feet, we found a boat that no one knew was down there,” Ward said. “That was probably there for ages. (We also found) a refrigerator.”

So far this time, they’ve only found a boat canopy and mud.

The corporation suggests residents keep an eye on their pets during the next few weeks because the lowered lake has very muddy side. Sometimes pets will explore that, leading to dangerous situations.