PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – After deliberating for 2 hours and 14 minutes, a jury unanimously convicted David Ray Bartol for trying to kill 2 men using a torture chamber from his gang, the Krude Rood Brood.
For the last 2 weeks, Bartol has been on trial in Multnomah County Circuit Court for using his gang’s torture chamber in SE Portland to attempt to kill two men, Nicholas Remington and Ron Murphy in late 2012 and early 2013. As the verdict was read, Bartol remained seated with his hands clasped together. He showed no visible reaction.
The defense team, lead by Steve Gorham, told KOIN 6 News that they are “disappointed” with the verdict and will appeal.
“There are a zillion appeal issues in this case,” Gorham said.
Bartol, who has been in and out of detention centers since he was 15 years old, was first arrested in 1989.
Sentencing will be September 6 at 2 p.m. before Multnomah County Judge Michael Greenlick.Defense: David Bartol had no understanding of intent.
The defense presented Bartol as a person who has brain damage because his mother drank during her pregnancy.
“He did not have the capacity, because of his brain damage, to have intent,” Gorham told the jury during his closing statements. “He’s a kid – he’s a bragger.”
Gorham, during his closing arguments, maintained that Bartol was not the leader of the gang.
“It wasn’t David Bartol who was the leader,” Gorham said.
David Corbit has been the subject of multiple state and federal investigations into subject drug and white supremacy gang activity and has been described as the leader of the Krude Rude Brood gang. Originally, the state had plan to call Corbit as a witness, but decided against it.
The defense ended up putting Corbit on the stand. Gorham later questioned the credibility of Corbit’s testimony.
Gorham said there was “a heck of an incentive” for Corbit to not tell the truth because he has accepted a plea agreement with the state.
In her rebuttal to the defense’s closing, Chief Deputy District Attorney Kirsten Snowden said “it’s hard to imagine” a case where there is more evidence of intent.
“It’s so overwhelming,” she said.
“Over and over Mr. Bartol has done nothing but proclaim – yelled from the mountain top – that he intended to kill those people,” she said.Guilty of all charges:
The jury found Bartol guilty of the following charges:
— Attempted aggravated murder x 2
— Attempted murder x 1
— First-degree kidnapping x 8
— Second-degree assault x 2
— First-degree assault x 3
— Unlawful use of a weapon x 6
— Unlawfully causing another person to ingest a controlled substance x 2
Nicholas Remington
The crimes against Remington occurred in late December 2012 at Tom’s Auto Body located near SE 84th and Powell Blvd. Investigators learned the auto body shop is where Brood “gang members work, hang out and conduct drug transactions.”
Remington was also affiliated with the gang.
According to prosecutors, the motive for Remington’s attempted murder was the belief that he was responsible for a theft from a Krude Rude Brood member.
Remington was kidnapped at gunpoint and forced into a vehicle. He was driven to the auto body shop where Bartol and David Corbit stripped, tortured and beat Remington with a baseball bat.
Remington described the torturing in court saying Bartol used a belt sander to remove a Brood tattoo from his upper arm, telling him repeatedly that he is “going to die,” and placing a motorcycle helmet on his head and then shooting him in the head multiple times with a rifle with a silencer.
After torturing Remington, Bartol and Corbit injected Remington with a syringe of heroin in the neck and another syringe of meth into the arm.
His body was then dumped on the street.
Ron Murphy
The attempted murder of Ron Murphy occurred in mid-February 2013.
Murphy told investigators that he went to the auto body shop and that’s when Bartol and 3 other men forced him into the back of the shop into a spray paint booth where “he was tortured and beaten with a baseball bat.”
At one point, Murphy tried to escape and stabbed one of his attackers before being shot in the abdomen by Bartol.
Murphy was “dumped in the middle of SE Powell Blvd. where he was nearly run over,” according to court documents. Murphy had “serious permanent injuries and later died of a heroin overdose.”
During the state’s closing arguments, deputy district attorney Nathan Vasquez focused the jury’s attention on a phrase — “Broodaly Proud” — that he said Bartol likely created — a term that fit the “deliberate and intention acts of Bartol’s “callous actions.”
“He admits and confess to these crimes,” Vasquez told the jury.
Bartol has the word tattooed on his face.
“He deeply prescribes to it,” Vasquez said. “Make no mistake. He is brutally proud of his crimes…He wants you and the world to know about his brutality.”
Vasquez said of Remington coming before the jury and testifying, “He is literally putting his life at risk to come tell you what happened.”
The state played a recording from Bartol while he was in jail as he described his actions the in Remington case: “I thought he was dead.”
“The only reason he (Remington) is alive is because the officers who worked that district – drove along dark street looking for a body…that and the miracle of modern medicine,” Vasquez said.
Bartol did not testify during his trial.
Marion County Homicide Investigation
Bartol is scheduled to go on trial in Marion County in September for the death of Gavin Siscel, who died days after being attacked in June 2013 while inside the Marion County Jail.
According to court documents, Siscel was watching TV in a dayroom when Bartol walked over to the deputies’ desk area and grabbed a flashlight. He put the flashlight inside the front of his pants and walked up to Siscel from behind, pulled out the flashlight and struck Siscel in the back of the head.KOIN 6 News will continue to follow this story.