
Growing the game of golf for girls

Bright and early and on the practice range.  

“Practice makes perfect,” says a little girl between swings. 

Beginner golfers beginning the day with a dream.

“It’s like, it’s this feeling that is so happy,” another new golfer says.. “Because I’ve never gotten to play golf before and it’s a really happy feeling.” 

Jalieyah and her little sister Amani are in touch with that emotion. 

“It feels good and I get happy,” Jalieyah says. “Because it’s like a little small moment of excitement. It’s like, yay. And I just try to do it again.”

The joy they get out here is fun for their whole family. A family that  knows golf is hard.

Katina Horne is Jalieyah and Amani’s mother. 

“Try something and you’ll be able to do it,” Horne says. “But to say, I can’t, you’re never going to try. You’re never going to learn anything because life is about changing. Get out of that box that you’re in.”

So where could all this lead? A college scholarship? A shot at the pros? A spot at the Women’s Amateur at Augusta National? Maybe. But folks at First Tee tell parents, just focus on the fundamentals of what your child might get from this game.

“If for nothing more than it becomes a lifelong sport for them,” First Tee of Augusta Executive Director Jill Brown says. “An oppotunity for them to just play with other women and fellowship and surely it may benefit them in their careers,  I think it’s just a good thing for them to learn.”

Golf, especially for children, is not just swinging a club and hitting a ball. A few minutes on a beautiful afternoon with Ivy Johnson drives that home.

“It plays a big role in my life,” she says.

An amazingly engaging 5th grader learning life skills in a spectacular setting.

“It teaches me how to be nice, and not disrespect anybody.”

Characteristics that come in handy when Ivy’s not out here.

“There’s a lot of drama going on in my classroom,” Ivy says. “So, sportsmanship helps me because it’s like, just ignore those feelings. You have to get along with your peers, and say, just forget about it I know I’m good.”

Ivy is a good golfer. And just like the other girls giving this game a try, she’s becoming a better person.

“It takes a lot of strength and perseverance. And sportsmanship.”

“I love that everybody comes together and helps each other out.” 

Girls on a golf course. Honing their skills and setting their sights on a future where the brightest possibilities are always in play.

“I’ll have dreams about it,” a young hopeful golfer says. “And I’ll not give up. I’ll keep doing what I dream.”