PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Washington senators just approved a bill that would improve their housing crisis by adding more housing near the state’s light rail and bus rapid transit stations.

Senate Bill 5466, which “promotes transit-oriented development,” passed with a 40-8 vote at its third reading on Wednesday, March 1. The measure is one of Washington lawmakers’ many efforts to make up for the current lack of housing.

According to nonprofit research organization Urban Institute, about a million people in the Puget Sound area reside within a half mile of rail and bus rapid transit stations that either already exist or are planned for the future.

This group makes up about 25% of Puget Sound’s total population, but housing production hasn’t met the needs of this community due to restrictive, single-family zoning policies.

However, SB 5466 and House Bill 1110 — which would allow more duplexes and fourplexes across Washington — have gained support from many lawmakers who are focused on increasing housing.

“As we continue to invest in transportation services across the state, it’s important that more of our neighbors are connected to the routes that will make their commutes easier,” Washington state Sen. Marko Liias, who sponsored SB 5466, said. “By building more housing near transit centers, we can shorten commute times, decrease carbon emissions, increase housing supply, and create more opportunity for communities statewide.”

In March 2022, Sen. Liias and Rep. Jake Fey led the charge to approve a $17 billion transportation package in their state. The Move Ahead Washington package invested $3 billion toward public transportation, more than the state has ever allocated toward the system.

If the bill passes once it reaches the House, policymakers hope it will give more Washingtonians access to transit centers.