PORTLAND, Ore. (OPB via PORTLAND TRIBUNE) — The Wapato Jail won’t become a homeless shelter after all.

In fact, Wapato Jail won’t even be the Wapato Jail for much longer.

A demolition permit is in place for the never-opened Multnomah County jail, which was sold to private developer Jordan Schnitzer in April.

Wapato Jail, which Multnomah County just sold, has never been used for incarceration.

A demolition building permit application through the city of Portland’s Bureau of Development Services was signed by the property owner on Nov. 1, according to documents.

A final permit for a commercial inspection, in addition to an erosion and site control inspection is underway as of Nov. 2. Documents show applicants valued the cost of all equipment, materials, labor overhead and profit for the work at $1 million.

The permitting process to demolish the building — which has been referred to as an albatross that has strained county resources since it was completed in 2004 — began less than a week before Portland voters would decide between two city councilors who disagreed vehemently on what to do with the jail.

The Portland Tribune is a KOIN 6 News media partner