PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The Portland Farmers Market at Portland State University was open on Saturday and plans to stay open during the coronavirus pandemic.
The market is taking special safety measures, such as creating more space between vendors and limiting the number of shoppers in the marketplace at once. But organizers feel the farmers market is an essential need to get people food in their homes.
“As the weather gets better, we know we’re going to have more shoppers, and the food is going to start growing more and more,” said Portland Farmers Market Executive Director Trudy Toliver. “So we want to make sure that our farmers have plenty of sales to keep them going, to keep the future of our food system going.
Market vendors also hope better access to nutritious food will help to relieve stress during these uncertain times. The Portland Farmers Market expects to stay open on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. on the park blocks at PSU.