PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Washington Gov. Jay Inslee urged continued compliance to his Stay At Home order on Wednesday.

Inslee held a short press conference one day after a statewide address to say few restrictions would be lifted by May 4.

He said Wednesday that he has not yet had to use law enforcement to enforce his Stay At Home order, but is willing to do so if need be.

He said “now is not the time to give up” on social distancing, urging Washingtonians to continue to stay home.

“But people do need to understand that there is possible criminal law enforcement in the event that people still won’t get on the team. That could be through Bob Ferguson, the AG, the state patrol or other law enforcement. But it should not come to that,” he said.

On Tuesday, Inslee said the path to reopening the state will “look more like the turning of a dial than the flip of a switch.”

Inslee said the spread of COVID-19 in Washington is likely declining and making plans to move on and reopen businesses will hinge upon continued health modeling to help project the virus’s course.

The governor said state leaders will start taking steps toward lifting some restrictions and monitoring their effectiveness before moving forward but it will be a slow process.