WELCHES, Ore. (KOIN) — The mother of a Welches Middle School student who reportedly found a hit list written in a journal says the threats are so serious that she’s decided to keep her daughter out of school for the time being.

“There was an elaborate drawing of our neighborhood and our house had a big, huge target on it and said ‘enemy,'” Beth Wilcox told KOIN 6 News.

Wilcox’s daughter and 2 other students reportedly found the journal in a school hallway on Monday.

Wilcox's daughter and 2 other students reportedly found the journal in a school hallway on Monday. (KOIN)

The 8th grader’s mother fought back tears as she described the disturbing find.

“You never want to see your kids in harm or scared or hurt in any way,” Wilcox said. “I describe it as a hit list, that’s what it seemed like to me.”

The journal, which belongs to another student, reportedly lists the names of people she wants to kill. Wilcox’s daughter and the other students who found the journal took it to the principal’s office.

“She made a snap decision and said ‘the child is not a threat,'” Wilcox said. “No parents were contacted.”

Officials with the Oregon Trail School District tell KOIN 6 News they are aware of what happened and are conducting a “risk assessment”. They added, it appears there is no imminent threat to any student.

Now Wilcox says she’s worried the school is sweeping the whole thing under the rug.

“This day and age you don’t know what anybody is capable of,” she said.

She’s decided to keep her daughter out of school for the time being.

“They totally dropped the ball, I mean, thank God that journal was found by mistake,” Wilcox said. “If it wasn’t found, who knows? I’d like to think there wouldn’t have been a next step but who knows.”

It’s unclear if the student will face any disciplinary action.