PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Washington Governor Jay Inslee announced updated guidelines to religious services on Wednesday.

As more Washington counties move forward with the state’s “Safe Start” reopening plan, Inslee announced that in Phase 3, more people will be able to partake in faith-based gatherings. Phase 3 will permit an indoor capacity of 50% or 400 people — whichever is the lesser number. Face covering requirements will remain in place.

Inslee talks Washington’s ‘Safe Start’ plan
Inslee loosens restrictions for religious gatherings

Those counties still in modified Phases 1 and 2 will be allowed to have indoor services at 25% capacity or 200 people — again, whichever is less. For services taking place in counties still in the regular Phase 1, only outdoor gatherings are permitted with 100 or fewer people.

Religious services included are all worship services, religious classes, weddings and funerals. There is no limit on how many times per day.

Read full guidance below