PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – Fearfully and Wonderfully made is the name and best descriptor for a local fashion and beauty brand on a mission to inspire women.

Coming up on the business’ three-year anniversary, CEO Chishayla Kimmons says “the brand got started just basically from a young girl who needed to grow and know her worth in more than one way and I wanted to water that seed and help others water that seed as well.”

Initially, Kimmons said the businesses name was going to be “Your Hair is Your Glory,” until she says “God gave me the name ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’ and that was great because it’s more in-depth.”

From clothing to hair care, Kimmons says the brand’s most popular item is their Your Hair is Your Glory hair growth oil, which is handmade and all-natural. More recently, they have released a Your Hair is Your Glory deep conditioner.

Kimmons also detailed some challenges she faced when starting her business.

“It definitely wasn’t easy, and my greatest advice is: Keep God first,” Kimmons said. “He’s going to show you the way, where to go, when to pick things up, when to pivot your business, everything,” Kimmons said adding to, “be you, be bold, be fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Kimmons says being a Black business owner in Portland has also brought along other obstacles.

“Sometimes people will look at me like, they’ll love what I have but then they’ll see ‘oh, she’s a Black woman, I’m not going to buy from her,’” Kimmons said, noting this has been a small portion of what she has faced with her business. “Other than that, people, a lot of people all different races support,” she said.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made products are available online and in some retail stores, Kimmons said, noting she’s working to expand into more retail stores to take the brand to the national level.