VANCOUVER, Wash. (KOIN) — With inflation at an all-time high, a personal-finance website is ranking Vancouver, Washington as one of the worst for renters.

According to WalletHub, last year’s rent prices nationally grew at nearly double the rate of any previous year. The website recently released its report on this year’s best and worst places to rent in America.

The ranking compared more than 180 U.S. cities based on 22 key indicators of rental attractiveness and quality of life to help potential renters get the most bang for their buck. The data set ranges from historical rental-price changes to the cost of living to job availability.

Vancouver was listed as one of the worst cities for renters at number 175 out of 182 cities. For comparison, Portland, Ore. was ranked number 126. Cheyenne, Wyo., was listed as the city with the highest rental affordability while Little Rock, Ark., has the highest rental vacancy rate at 12%.

Click here to read the full report.