PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — In response to the cease and desist order issued by Governor Kate Brown and the Oregon Department of Environment, Bullseye Glass is saying it will have to lay off employees.

A message on the company’s website expressed frustration at having so many raw materials restricted, forcing them to eliminate 80% of their products.

“We are scared. We have 150 employees, we want to move forward, we know we can move forward and put emission controls into place and create a safe environment,” Bullseye Glass Vice President Jim Jones told KOIN 6 News. “But DEQ is continuing to throw more roadblocks in front of us.”

The order was issued following results of an air monitor showing lead levels 4 times the 24-hour benchmark on May 19. Results from May 20 showed a second-straight say of elevated levels of lead.

Read the full statement from Bullseye Glass

The materials the cease and desist order says Bullseye can’t use are arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, all chromium compounds, cobalt, manganese, nickel and selenium.

Bullseye Glass Vice President Jim Jones, May 22, 2016 (KOIN)

Bullseye told KOIN 6 News in March that limits on their raw materials mean they can’t create certain colors of glass.

“Why did DEQ add additional metals to the Cease and Desist Order, metals that have not exceeded benchmarks or health standards �?unless the real goal is to put Bullseye out of business?” Bullseye’s statement said.

“Over the past four months, Bullseye has tried to be a model of how a business can work with DEQ to solve problems once they come to light. Our goal since the beginning of this ordeal has been to become the cleanest manufacturer of colored art glass in the US,” the statement said.

The company ordered a filter from a Seattle-based company to be specially engineered for the Bullseye production line. But that company said the earliest they can get to the Bullseye order is August 1.

Bullseye says they will be laying off employees starting on Monday, May 23.

Inside Bullseye Glass in Portland, May 22, 2016 (KOIN)