PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – An Oregon man pleaded guilty Thursday to a charge he faces related to breaking into the United States Capitol Building during the attack on January 6, 2021. 

Jeffrey W. Hubbard, of Lincoln City, pleaded guilty to one county of parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building. 

Hubbard has not yet been sentenced, but his plea agreement states he must pay $500 in restitution to help pay for the more than $2.7 million in damages caused to the U.S. Capitol. 

According to a statement of offense provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, Hubbard entered the Capitol building by climbing through a broken window next to the Senate Wing door at approximately 2:22 p.m. the day of the attack. The court document said he made his way through the Crypt and then upstairs to the Rotunda. 

The statement of offense said he then entered the Statuary Hall connector where he stood near the front of a mob that was trying to push past uniformed police officers who were guarding the House Chamber. 

The mob eventually stormed past the police line, the court document states, and Hubbard saw rioters try to break through the main entrance to the House Chamber. 

Hubbard continued to wander through the Capitol building until approximately 3 p.m. when the court document said he made his way to the front of a crowd that was squaring off with police officers inside the Rotunda. 

A physical struggle occurred between the officers and rioters and Hubbard was pepper sprayed in his face, the statement of offense said. 

At approximately 3:16, the court document said Hubbard left the Capitol building through the east Rotunda doors. He spent about 54 minutes inside the building. 

As part of his plea agreement, Hubbard knowingly and voluntarily admitted to the events described in the offense statement. 

The FBI said they identified Hubbard from a video that was taken inside the Capitol during the attack. Hubbard was seen chanting “stop the steal” and “we want Trump!”

The FBI said a Lincoln City Police Department detective tried contacting Hubbard the day after the riot. The detective spoke to an elderly woman at Hubbard’s home who said her son was at the Trump rally in Washington D.C.