
PPB officer hit by car during foot chase on I-205

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A Portland police officer, running after a wanted felon on I-205, was hit by a car and taken to a hospital Saturday morning shortly before the 33-year-old suspect was corralled and arrested.

The incident began around 10:30 a.m. when police spotted a stolen vehicle around SE 97th and Glenwood, authorities said in a release.

The driver ran onto the I-205 freeway near SE Woodstock and crossed the lanes of traffic 3 times trying to get away, officials said. Traffic stopped for the foot chase. But the officer was hit by a Ford Fusion going less than 10 mph by a driver who said she saw the suspect but not the officer.

As other officers helped the injured officer, others surrounded the suspect who surrendered.

An ambulance took the officer, who has not been publicly identified, to the hospital for treatment of a broken ankle, scrapes and bruises. He was treated and released.

Norman R. Kurth was also taken to a hospital for breathing problems. He told police he swallowed drugs. After he was treated and released, Kurth was booked into the Multnomah County Jail for possession of a stolen car, 3rd-degree escape, attempt to elude, being a felon in possession of a gun and an outstanding arrest warrant.

The driver who hit the officer stayed at the scene and cooperated. She is not facing charges, authorities said.

PPB Chief Chuck Lovell wished the officer a “speedy recovery.”