PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — KOIN 6 and its media partner Pamplin Media Group will host a debate featuring two qualifying Oregon Democratic gubernatorial candidates on May 3.
The candidates qualified for the debate as a result of hitting the criteria set forth by KOIN 6’s parent company, Nexstar Broadcasting Inc.
In addition to a candidate being legally qualified and listed on the ballot, publicly announcing their candidacy, and having an active campaign, Nexstar’s debate participation criteria include a fundraising threshold.
The criteria state in order for statewide candidates to qualify for a debate, they must have reported accepting at least $50,000 in monetary, as opposed to in-kind, campaign contributions. Furthermore, at least 25% of those campaign donations must be raised from in-state constituents.
The debate is on May 3 at 7 p.m. and will be hosted by Ken Boddie.