KOIN 6 News contacted candidates who are planning to run for Oregon governor in 2022, asking them to respond to these three questions:

  • Why are you running for governor? 
  • In your opinion, what are the top three issues Oregon is facing right now? 
  • What is something you believe is going right in Oregon and how would you like to continue to build on it?

William “Bud” Pierce is running as a Republican. Here are his responses:

Why are you running for governor?

Like many in our state, I’m frustrated, and angry about the trajectory we’re currently on. We desperately need to restore public safety, jumpstart our economy, solve the many problems gripping our state, and, most of all, make the lives of every Oregonian better.

The current leadership has been allowing public safety and our children’s education to be jeopardized while restricting our freedoms and liberties with non-scientific policies.

Career politicians have been hesitant to give law enforcement the support they need to keep streets safe because doing so would run counter to their partisan agendas.

In your opinion, what are the top three issues Oregon is facing right now?

You see the constant news stories that sadly bring embarrassment to our great state: record-breaking highs in violent crime; the tragedy that occurred when our businesses were left behind and forced to shutter thanks to leaders who chose politics over personal freedom; and the skyrocketing costs of everyday living.

  1. Public Safety/Homelessness

Our largest city, and our state, have become mired in an all-out crisis. Portland has already set a record with the most homicides ever in a calendar year. This simply can’t continue. Before the lawlessness of Portland leaves even more innocent citizens in harm’s way, it’s time we invest in leadership that will fulfill the first and most fundamental role of government – ensuring public safety. We also need to focus on tackling what has become an undeniable homelessness crisis. The solution involves affordable housing that is affordably built by lowering land costs and fees. It also involves public shelters with immediate wraparound services that address mental health, addiction, lack of job skills, and other areas that are a necessity for a successful, meaningful life. Lastly, it involves bringing an end to enabling self-destructive behaviors and not allowing idleness to become a lifestyle.

2. Building Economy and Creating Jobs

Jobs aren’t just a source of stability; they also provide meaning to life for many people. I will build an economy that creates more jobs and supports government programs that encourage job creation while rewarding work much more than non-work. Our state government should be invested in helping small businesses, making it easier to start and grow a company through lower taxes and fees and a simple, practical regulatory environment.

3. Reducing the Cost of Living/Making Oregon More Affordable

We can reduce the cost of living in Oregon and make our great state more affordable by lowering the regulatory burden, supporting free-market competition, modernizing land use planning, and reducing the exorbitant cost of government that is currently being footed by the Oregon taxpayer.

What is something you believe is going right in Oregon, and how would you like to continue to build on it?

Oregonians have a reputation for being passionate about political and social issues. Sometimes that has turned into protests with some adverse outcomes. However, passion is important, and we need to build on that and direct that energy in a positive way.  

One of the best ways to build on this passion is to help citizens realize their vote is essential.  They need to get to know candidates as people, not as just Republicans or Democrats.

People are starting to see how elected officials actually influence the direction of the state.   

If citizens are not satisfied with the current situation in our state with homelessness, crime, or economic opportunities, then I want to continue to encourage people to get involved, vote, and help change the direction of Oregon.

Editor’s Note: KOIN 6 News made minor adjustments to spelling, capitalization and punctuation in the responses the gubernatorial candidates submitted.