PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — A temporary restraining order against Portland Police Bureau’s practice of live streaming internet videos of protesters has been issued by Multnomah County Circuit Court Presiding Judge Stephen Bushong Thursday as part of a lawsuit filed by American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon.

Police will be temporarily blocked from “collecting or maintaining audio or video of protesters” engaged in protected First Amendment activities in public spaces thanks to the order, an ACLU of Oregon press release stated.

ACLU of Oregon’s lawsuit was filed Wednesday in Multnomah County Circuit Court. The suit says that the PPB’s practice of filming and broadcasting protesters violates an Oregon law prohibiting law enforcement from collecting or maintaining information about the political, religious or social views, associations or activities of people who are not suspected of criminal activity (the order isn’t a decision on the merits of the case).

“We appreciate Judge Bushong’s order,” said Jann Carson, interim executive director of the ACLU of Oregon. “Today’s decision is an important step towards ensuring all people can exercise their rights to protest and assembly without fear of government surveillance.”

The temporary restraining order document and complaint document can both be found on ACLU of Oregon’s website.