PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Two people were caught on camera breaking into the Bridge City Taproom in SE Portland on October 25, the owner told KOIN 6 News.

Two suspects broke into the Bridge City Taproom on October 25, 2017. (Courtesy of Jason Kindle)

The suspects, one wearing a Jack-o-Lantern mask, smashed the glass back door with a rock and stole 8 or 9 bottles of liquor around 6:30 a.m.

Owner Jason Kindle said the damage to the door cost about $1,000. These kinds of things aren’t uncommon in the area though. Kindle said he has replaced the boards on the back patio fence several times and the bar’s van was damaged before.

Police took bottles the suspects dropped outside and Kindle hopes they can get fingerprints from them and catch the suspects.

Video Kindle shared shows the thieves outside the bar, but other angles show one of them arrive on a BMX bike and the other with a skateboard. The inside video shows them heading straight for the liquor.

Kindle hopes they get caught so this doesn’t happen to anyone else. He said owning a small business is a labor of love and it’s difficult to handle the cost of something like this.