WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — Senators are preparing to debate a new targeted COVID-19 relief package, with help for schools, small businesses and unemployment.

“We need more direct assistance to taxpayers, more help for those who are out of work,” Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey said.

Sen. Casey says he wants to see the contents of the bill, but doesn’t have much hope for the GOP proposal.

“Republican Senators have shown no willingness, no determination to really put something on the table that will help us tackle the virus, provide relief and create lots of jobs,” Casey said.

Virginia Sen. Mark Warner says he is more optimistic about the discussions between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

“If he truly is at $1.8 trillion and speaker’s at $2.2 trillion, let’s get a deal. Let’s do something right in the middle and get this and get the relief out to the American people as quickly possible,” Warner said.

While Democrats say the bill doesn’t do enough to help the country, Republicans say it’s better to advance the things they can agree on.

“Anyone who votes against it needs to realize they’re turning their back on Americans,” North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis said.

Tillis says Democrats should keep an open mind.

“When we’re at our best, we compromise and again we settle for something good. We never get to something perfect here. That’s the nature of democracy,” Tillis said.

Tillis is hopeful this COVID-19 relief bill will pass and will go into effect before the election.

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