PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday struck down Roe v. Wade, sparking reaction across the nation, including Washington state.

The ruling in Dobb’s v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ended nearly 50 years of federally protected access to abortion.

States can now make individual decisions with bans expected in roughly half of the 50 states. Oregon and Washington, however, previously legalized abortion.

The governors of Washington, Oregon and California joined forces in a Multi-State Commitment that protects reproductive health care. The three governors declared they would protect both patients and doctors if attempts are made to enforce abortion bans in their states.

Reaction from various officials:

  • Gov. Jay Inslee: “The law remains unchanged in Washington state, but the threat to patient access and privacy has never been more dangerous.”
  • Attorney General Bob Ferguson released a statement saying, “When the Senate confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the court, I knew this day was possible. Consequently, I told my legal team to start preparing.”

Ferguson vowed to ensure Washingtonian’s right to choose is not stripped, welcome anyone from out of state looking to get an abortion and will seek ways to overturn this “extreme” ruling.

  • U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell: “I am hopeful that Americans will respond, as we always have when our rights are taken away. The 70% of Americans who agree must have their voices heard on the constitutional right to privacy. I’m calling on all Americans who believe in this right to exercise their voice and their vote. Every legislative tool and initiative process should be considered.”
  • Senate Republican Leader John Braun said in part, “better support for pregnant women who choose to give birth should be a common goal for all of us, regardless of our politics. Compassion and empathy, rather than hostility, should be the universal approach. I’m hoping this is how we all move forward.”
  • U.S. Senator Patty Murray: “Today, Republicans dragged this country backwards by half a century. Republicans ripped away our rights and made this generation the first generation of American women with fewer rights than their mothers.”
  • U.S. Senator Annette Cleveland: “When the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down in 1973, my grandmother shared with me the importance and life changing impact it would have on our country. I made a promise to her then to protect that right for the next generations, and yet today my grown daughter is facing a country without choice.”
  • “Wherever you stand on the issue of abortion, today’s Supreme Court ruling – though momentous – does not change abortion access in Washington state where it is still regulated by the governor and legislative majorities and subject to voter initiative,” U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler said in a statement, adding, “Southwest Washington residents know where I stand on honoring and protecting life and my efforts in Congress will remain consistent, from upholding the decades-old prohibition of spending federal taxpayer money on abortions to requiring life-saving treatment for babies who survive late-term abortion attempts.”

More reaction:

  • Planned Parenthood noted that the “devastating” decision will greatly impact those that already have limited access to health, including the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities, along with people making low incomes or living in rural areas.

CEO of Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates Jennifer M. Allen. said, “Make no mistake – this decision goes beyond abortion. This is about who has power over you, who has the authority to make decisions for you, and who can control your future.”

  • Family of Policy Institute of Washington released a statement saying, “This is a monumental victory for the pro-life movement, and it should be celebrated. We should take time to thank God for answering our prayers and bringing an end to the legal nightmare that was Roe.”